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Salt prices up as cost of living soar in Kenya

Starting on April 15, 2023, Kenyans will have to pay more money to purchase table salt as Kensalt Limited Company has decided to review salt prices upwards.

General Manager Arpan Roy explained in a statement intimated that a charge of Ksh.1,000 plus VAT would be added to each ton of salt produced due to the rising costs of production. The company stated that this price hike was essential to keep up with the demand for salt.

“We wish to inform you that due to a continuous rise in the cost of production, we have been forced to increase our prices by Ksh.1,000 per ton plus VAT with effect from 15 April 2023,” the statement read in part.

The increase in salt prices has come at a time when the cost of other essential household goods is also on the rise. Currently, a packet of Kensalt weighing one kilogram sells for roughly Ksh.30 to Ksh.40 in Kenya, with a 2kg packet going for about Ksh.70 to Ksh.80.

In recent years, the cost of living in Kenya has been on the rise, with the prices of essential household goods steadily increasing. From food to clothing, many Kenyans are finding it harder to afford the basic necessities of life. Unfortunately, the latest announcement from Kensalt Limited Company regarding the increase in table salt prices will only add to the financial burden that many Kenyans are currently experiencing.

Kensalt Limited Company, which is based in Mombasa, is one of the largest producers of table salt in the country. The company has been in operation for over a decade and has built a reputation for providing high-quality salt at affordable prices. However, the recent announcement of a price increase has left many Kenyans feeling frustrated and angry a situation that had recently forced opposition leaders to lead Kenyans in mass protests around the country to try and force the government to address the growing concern about the cost of living.